她說:「以前看電視劇都不會有這種想法,但遇到妳之後,真的有那種恨不得時時刻刻黏在一起的慾望,一分開就亂想」。 http://goo.gl/mkYMBg
She said “Before I had no feelings when I watch TV dramas, but since I met you I feel like being with you all the time, and if we separate I start to worry.”
她說:「以前看電視劇都不會有這種想法,但遇到妳之後,真的有那種恨不得時時刻刻黏在一起的慾望,一分開就亂想」。 http://goo.gl/mkYMBg
She said “Before I had no feelings when I watch TV dramas, but since I met you I feel like being with you all the time, and if we separate I start to worry.”